Seymur Aliyev - Chairman of the Management Board


Seymur Aliyev graduated Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan with a bachelor degree in International Relations. He began his career in 2011 in “AzInsurance” JSC. From 2021 continued his career at “AtaInsurance” JSC as a Head of the Corporate Insurance Department. In June 2022 he was appointed Chairman of the Management Board.


Naim Mammadov - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board


Naim Mammadov received a bachelor degree in Law in 2013 and received Master's degree in Commercial Law in 2016 of Baku State University. He began his career in 2016 in “AtaInsurance” JSC. Was appointed as a Head of the Law Department in 2021. In February 2024 he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Management Board.


Murad Zaidov - Deputy Chairman of the Management Board


Murad Zaidov graduated Azerbaijan Cooperation University with a bachelor degree in International economic relations and International trade. He began his career in 2012 in “Pasha Insurance” JSC. From 2023 continued his career at “AtaInsurance” JSC as a Head of the Corporate Insurance Department. In April 2024 he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Management Board.