We frequently hear news about the occupational accidents occurred and meet people on a daily basis who have lost the ability to work as a result of the accident.
The increase in man-made disasters, as well as the growing number of highly dangerous works increases possibility of an accident. Such accidents could result death, disability, injury, loss of work ability and sudden emergence of diseases. People who have lost the ability to work, have difficulty to take care of the children and in paying their educational expenses and in many cases, they even cannot provide their daily needs.
What to do?
AtaInsurance offers insurance coverage for everyone in individual and collective order.
During the term of the insurance contract, the insured person is given following insurance coverage in case of a result of the accident:
- Death
- A complete loss of ability to work
- A permanent partial loss of ability to work
- A temporary complete loss of work ability
- Temporary partial loss of ability to work
The insurance payments are calculated of the percentage of the amount of the insurance according to impact to working ability and vital importance of lost wages.
Insurance compensations may be paid to the insured as lump-sum payments or on a regular basis.
The people who are between the ages of 18 and 65 at the time of contract may be insured under this type of insurance. Individual citizens can have insured themselves and their family members, as well as their workers in collective entities under this type of insurance.